
Created by Nicola one year ago
Oh Craig, where to begin and what can I reveal on here what we got up to when we met at 21! Ok let’s keep some secrets secret 😂😂
We met at the Valuation office and hit it off straight away sharing the same interests like Becks Beer and Bon Jovi. We also went to the same school but you would have been two years younger so there would be no way I would ever have been friends with someone younger it just wasn’t cool 😎 we made up for it champ didn’t we, many lock ins at the UB pub, using all our flexitime at work so we can cherish a few more laughs and beers together. You picked me up everyone morning for work and never complained I made us both late for work. One Christmas at a works party we started drinking with other work friends at 8am….we downed vodka in a graveyard??? Why??? Then got on the coach for our works party….safe to say by 11am we were broken 😂😂😂 you spent most nights with me and my family sitting watching horror films and being part of our family. We use to drive around the whole of Chelmsford in your blue Orion listening to Bon Jovi. We started doing boot-sales to save up some money for a mobile phone!! We were once going to lease ‘The Star’ pub in Moulsham Street….can you imagine the carnage if we had? We loved our dreams we never let our health get in the way of living….and that’s just one of your lovely qualities of being the gentleman that you were. We must have given our parents many sleepless nights and your sister having to pick us up during the week as we had been out on another binge….oh Craig so many memories….so many happy memories….you came away with us to a holiday camp….you and my brother stayed up really late and carried on drinking…..I never found out exactly why you and Lee got chased by the security guards all around the holiday camp…maybe we are not the only ones with secrets??? 😂😂😂 
I remember at work once you hacked into my email and sent everyone in the office an email saying that I found them attractive and would they like to go out for a drink!!!! I got called in to the office and got a roasting for that!!! I saved you that day Craig I never told them it was you but probably made you buy me drinks all night. You are still very much alive in my heart Craig and will continue to be….I will continue to add more stories on your page of our everlasting friendship xxxxx